Your personal profile in Canvas gives you an opportunity to introduce yourself to your students and is one of the many small things you can do to begin to foster community in your online courses.
It appears in every course of which you are a part, and includes your photograph and contact information, as well as whatever language you’d like to use to share your experience and perspective with your students.
To update your profile, you can:
- Click on the Account button on the left side of the screen
- Select Profile
- Click on the button with three dots on the upper right of the screen
- Select Edit Profile
- To update your profile image:
- Hover over the thumbnail image until you see a pencil icon, then click it.
- Use the pop-up window to either:
- upload an existing picture of yourself, or
- take a picture of yourself with your computer’s camera
- Click the Save button
- Add or Edit:
- your title
- your biography
- any web links you think might be helpful for students to use to learn more about you
- Click the Save Profile button
Best Practices
Coming soon.